Drananda Summons is an American Singer/Songwriter residing in his hometown of Columbia, South Carolina. Focused yet introspective, his melodic voice reflects
his love of R&B, soul and vocal agility stemming
from African American music traditions. Drananda Summons serves as Chairman and leads as the focal Independent Artist for Summons Productions.
His music journey began in 2021 with the release of “Butter$cotch” Album consisting of 15 eclectic songs. Shortly after, Drananda Summons was back in the studio to record and release “Cobra’s Kiss” Ep, “Hot Rain” Album, “Dra-Non-Day” Album, “Beach Banger” Album, & “Sir Summons” Ep experience. His latest Single releases include “Blu Dreem”, “Unfinished Business”, and “So”.
Within a year, Drananda Summons music has touched the hearts of people in over 100 Countries ranging from Europe to Asia. Drananda Summons also serves as a Recording Academy Member. Notable past performances include the Orpheum Theatre in San Francisco Ca,The Oracle in Oakland Ca, The Fox Theatre in Oakland Ca and San Francisco Pride.
“I have a long journey before me, but I know one day soon it will all be worth it” -Drananda Summons
Fall Debut Tour Calendar 🍁
(Performances| Events will be added) Tickets available on @eventbrite